Hi English 2010 class! This is my first blog post in a long time, if you scroll down you will see proof. However this was my blog from high school so you probably don't want to scroll down, be my guest if you do (just promise not to judge too harshly).
I would like to bring up chapter one from our textbook. I am quite fond of the idea of having an argument that, instead of causing a rift between the two arguers, creates a bond. This world would be a much more pleasant place if everyone learned this skill early on.
Something about me is I love history. I am not a history major (and will probably never be one), but I believe that you can gain important knowledge by looking at history. Look at the founding fathers of this nation, Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Adams, Madison, Hamilton, Monroe... They did not by any means entirely agree with each other. All of them had slightly different ideals as to how this country should be established. They, being brilliant arguers, took all of the different opinions and made a settlement. The settlement is what we now call the home we love. THAT is what arguing is.
-Lauren Morrill
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