
Monday, February 17, 2014


     Last week was the girls choice Sweethearts dance at my school. My group had 12 couples, if you don't know if that is big or not then from a scale from 1 to huge group it is really far up there! Having a mammoth group made it that much more fun though, especially because everyone got to be with their friends and their dates. What do you do with a massive group for a day date? A massive scavenger hunt all over the town of course! We separated into car groups (so 2-3 couples per group), one of the girls in my group had a sister who volunteered to give us all of our clues (we all had 10 clues, each group got the same clues to start out with they were just all in different order so we didn't run into each other too often), then at the very end of the race she awarded candy to the winners. Here are the clues that we got (we had to take a picture of every clue that we completed)

1. Do the chicken dance in front of KFC or Chick-file
2. Help a stranger cross the street

3. The boys had to dress in girls clothes and the girls had to dress in guy clothes (the opposite gender had to pick your clothes, as you can tell us girls were really mean)

4. Propose to a stranger in Walmart

5. Push your date in a shopping cart

6. Kiss on the cheek on top of the Aggie A (a college tradition in my town)

7. Pose like a superhero 

8. Pose with a statue (haha my date is getting nailed in the face)
9. Do a Chinese fire drill but we didn't get a very good picture of it
10. Get a strangers autograph 

     Then we all met at a big parking lot to determine who got first, my group got second to last haha but we probably had the most fun doing all of the challenges. We took our dates home after that then picked them up for dinner and then of course the dance. We had dinner at one of the girl's, dad's work. it was just a huge room with a table in the middle of it, decorated with hearts everywhere. Costa Vida catered and we just had the photographer take our pictures there (My sister Brooke took the pictures she is a pro seriously though check her out at

If you haven't figured it out from all of the pictures above this is my hot date for the night, Jaden Connor. Oh and he also won Sweetheart's king at the dance. That's kinda cool.

Big right? 

     After the day date we went to an elementary school, it was almost 2 in the morning, in a school, pitch black, and we watched a Insidious 2! It was awfully scary but made the night that much more unforgettable and exciting. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better time!

-Love Lauren

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ho Hey Cover (Originally by the Lumineers)

Check out my new cover! (ft. Ricky Benitez, Alison Lee, and Eneida Rosas) I did this for a talent competition last week and won best talent!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!


      Forever is an awfully/wonderfully long time so why on earth would you want to rush something that you want to last forever? Since it is Valentine's day: I come from a town where it is the norm to get married after just a couple months of knowing each other. In fact I have heard of a couple getting married after just one week!! They usually say "it was just meant to be" well I'm not going to judge them, because maybe it really was meant to be, But think about it if you want someone that you will be spending the rest of forever with or the next 80 years with (that is 701,000 hours!) then what is ONE year?

     I honestly can't wait to meet HIM, the one, the only, my forever best friend, my prince...etc but I don't see any reason for rushing. If he loves you he will wait, if he really can't wait then he probably just wants you for ulterior reasons. Plus who doesn't want a patient gent? :)

     Happy Valentine's day! Love Lauren

Saturday, January 25, 2014

All along it was a fever!

You've heard me say alot now that I love singing, so here is a video of a duet that I did with my friend Aldin Brown at a talent show singing the song "Stay" by Rihanna. (Haley Klaassen is on piano). Sorry about the poor quality of the video, but the audio still works fine, which is probably why you're watching the video anyway. please feel free to comment :)


     2013 was an AMAZING year for me! I have learned a lot, made tons of new friends, gained new talents, and learned quite a bit more about myself. Here is a recap with pictures; kind of like one of those flipagrams but one that you actually have time to look at the pictures.
In January I went to Washington DC with my School Choir for a competition, we took first over-all at Nationals, and that right there my friends is Obama's inauguration. This sounds too good to be true? It felt too good to be true! Honestly Logan High School has a first-rate choir instructor who makes the best out of everything he has. How many other choir teachers do you know that take their kids to Nationals where they take first over-all, and then also takes his kids to the presidential inauguration afterward?  (we didn't get that bad of spots either considering how big the Mall is and it had more people in it than some states have)
My School's Basketball team got painfully close to taking state, even though we did't take state we still got recognized for best high school student section pretty much ever. It was an unforgettable experience being  a part of such a vast crowd all rooting for one cause (we decked our self's out in white for every state playoff game as well, so that we looked more synchronized)
Hiked to the top of Angels Landing in Utah with my family

Crimson and Gold became one of my most frequently worn colors as a Senior Class Officer.
Ended my second year working at Domino's (I've been working there for two years? yes I started when I was 15.) I  enjoyed working there but quit this year because I was doing too many extra curricular activities to have a job.

I turned 17! (I have a tradition on my birthday to watch the sunrise to a new year of my life, this was the pic I took that morning)

Got asked to sing with a band named The Cotton Bones, on the Fourth Of July, on the corner of freedom boulevard. 

Went to EFY for the 4th time

At my school for homecoming week, just like every school, we have loads of traditions like, Senior paint the street, movie on the lawn, girls powder puff, homecoming parade, the football game, and of course the Homecoming dance. I had a hand in every activity that week, and even sang the homecoming theme song "It's All About Us" (by He Is We) in front of the whole school at the Homecoming Assembly with the SCO (Senior Class Officer) president. (That was a big accomplishment for me, it was scary! but I'm so glad that I did it.)

Got excepted to go to USU for college! :)

Was in my first musical, TITANIC, I played the first class surviving passenger, Eleanor Widener. This is my husband in the musical (yeah I know right? we made a cute couple, and we had a stage kiss) I realized doing this that I love doing musicals! I wish I had done more, and I will definitely jump at any chance I get to be in another musical!

"For she's a Girls State Girl, and a girl you ought to know!"
I went to Utah Girls State over the summer (a Government program for girls to set up their own government for a week, run for offices in it, and make a GAZILLION new best friends from all over the state of Utah) There hasn't been a week of my life where I have learned more and grew more than the week I went to Girls State.  I was in  Rampton city, and met Governor Gary R. Herbert while there. (If you went to Girls State also, PLEASE comment on this and tell me your experience! :)

Went to Disneyland!! Seriously one of my favorite places on this earth!

Went BACK to Washington DC in December for Close-Up. (Close-Up is a program for high school Junior and Seniors all over the country to come together and participate and learn about the government. I definitely recommend doing this if you get the chance!) Ignore the annoying finger of whoever was taking the picture, I still love this picture of the group of kids from my school that I went to Close-Up with at the FDR memorial.

    2013 was a truly unforgettable year for me, but ready or not here comes 2014 which will bring, huge changes, life changing decisions, new people, new talents, turning 18, college, new challenges, opportunities, and who knows what else! Come at me 2014!

Friday, January 24, 2014

First Post!

     Here I go! My first Blog! I have always wanted to start one so you and I will both see if I have what it takes to write one.

    I am going to start out with more about me. I am the Vice President Senior Class Officer at my school, I am in almost every club that there is. I love music! Singing, guitar, ukulele, piano, harmonica... haha you name it I can probably play it (or be good at pretending)! I enjoy running; it is one of my New Years resolutions to run a half marathon this year (wish me luck!). I am the 5th of 7 kids, I have an older sister who could SERIOUSLY be my identical twin if she wasn't 8 1/2 years older than me. After I graduate High School this coming May I plan on going to college (Utah State, Aggies all the way!) majoring in nutrition, I revel in politics and knowing what is going on in our government, some day I hope to say that I have seen a great deal of this beautiful and vast world of ours, and practically what you need to know about me is that I love life and I believe that it is NOT about the cards that you have been dealt, but how you play your hand.